Monday, February 11, 2013

D'oh by John D'oh

D'oh! We don't even know how to use our own Blog yet.  Our fearless leader John D'oh! accidentally posted his latest blog as a comment, not an actual post. What an idiot.


We've decided to add a Brain Drain page to the Mental Health section which will focus on our declining mental capacities as we age...NOT!  There's a lot of new science out there that posits that new neural pathways can still be developed long after they initially believed. Great news for us!

Anyhow, here was the previous post:

Hi everyone,

Since we have a small team of crack individuals over here at MAM, we've decided the best way to write this Blog is to tag-team it amongst ourselves. Our fearless leader John D'oh! will probably man the lion's share of posts but from time to time don't be surprised if a few other crazy cats pipe in with their own unique perspectives. Right now we're trying to get a commitment from our Financial Guru and our spiritual advisor who goes by the moniker Sergeant Lama: he's a stickler...for transcendence!

Anyhow, we hope middle-age is treating you well and as always: LET'S WIN IT IN THE 2nd HALF!!!

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