Tuesday, February 26, 2013

John Do'h! refers to baby's milk as "Shut-up Juice", wife not amused

In local news, John D'oh!, haggard and edgy after a long day scrambling around taking care of his 7 mo. old son and young dog (who appears to be developing some mental problems), referred to his baby's milk as 'Shut-up juice.' 

The baby was screaming in his high-chair when Mr. D'oh! grabbed the bottle and playfully said "Here, buddy, have a little Shut-up juice."

There was little if no reaction from his wife.

Mr. D'oh! proceeded to point out that it was kind of funny, sighed and put his head in his hand knowing the bedtime sequence had just begun.

Later that evening Mr. D'oh! fell asleep on the couch while watching Girls on HBO.

"It wasn't a very good one," he was quoted as saying the next morning.

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