Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Oy to the Vey

I'm tellin' ya fellas, it's been a tough week.

The dog drama has continued. I'm not sure what his problem is but he keeps getting into trouble.  This past weekend, we took the opportunity to give him a little vacation by sending him upstate with his best friend (yes, another dog) and her owner to a cabin in the mountains.

He'd been there before and had the time of his life.  Poor guy has to sit in an apartment in the city all day long (although I try to walk him 4 times a day). Long story short he was missing in the dark for four hours, we thought the coyotes got him.

More stress. That's the last thing I need.

At 11:30 the human called and said the dogs finally came home, covered in mud and freezing. But thank God. I was preparing myself for the worst.

Your fearless leader,

John D'oh

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