Thursday, February 21, 2013

Learning to Blog...but I ain't got wings

Good morning all,

It's your fearful leader here, John D'oh!

Notice I changed 'fearless' to 'fearful'.  That's because I've decided to be I'm meeting with a potentially new accountant.

Anyway, with the help of my social media savvy wife I'm learning to Twitter and Blog (in my case Blah-g).

There sure are a lot of things to take care of when starting a new website etc., especially if you haven't done it before.

I remember the days when the internet to me just meant e-mail. If I had 3 emails in a week I thought it was a big deal.

I said to myself "I can keep in touch with everybody at least once a week!" Now I get about 125 emails a day on several different accounts. 

Oy to the Vey, it gets hard to keep track of. Especially if one isn't as organized as one should be.

Hope all's well out there fellow travelers.

Talk later,

John D'oh!

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